10 lb Variety Pack
Everything looking good? So good that you can't decide?
Make it simple and simply add our 10 lb v...
Make it simple and simply add our 10 lb v...
Tired of bland breakfast sausages packed with a ton of sugar? The remedy is here! Perfect for bis...
Our German flagship. Grill, griddle, poach in beer and sear, smoke - there’s no way to do this wr...
Our Hungarian-style Kielbasa is perfect for your grilling parties, baked dishes, macaroni and che...
Italian Sausage
Made with imported Italian wine, this beautiful, versatile sausage is ready for your lasagna, ris...
Made in the Portuguese fashion, our Chorizo (Choriço) is made with imported Portuguese red wine, ...
Perfect for smoking, grilling, soups, breakfast and more, this versatile sausage born in the Sout...
A Portuguese sausage that begs to be smoked. Utilize in soups, on a bun, with your potatoes and e...
A South African favorite which is incredibly flavorful. This sausage boasts toasted spices and is...
Weißwurst (Kalbsbratwurst)
Traditional German sausage which is best when steamed or poached in beer. This emulsified sausage...
British Banger
Created during rationing in WW2, this classic sausage incorporates fresh organic barley. Perfect ...
Moroccan Merguez
A delightful, spicy, Northern Moroccan style sausage. Great with couscous, rice or with your humm...
Watch out! This sausage comes with a good kick of spice! Hinted with anise, this Spanish style s...
Sold Out
An emulsified sausage, this flavorful sausage is a crowd pleaser! Translated “snap sausage”, the ...
5 Lb per month subscription
Pick and choose what sausages you want, and we'll send it your way monthly!
PRE ORDER: Salami - 16 oz
PRE ORDER only. Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on feed consisting of 35% re...
PRE ORDER ONLY. Program is very close to being approved, and then we must prove a SAFE product. P...
PRE ORDER only. Picture will be updated!Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on f...
Coppa 3 lb PRE ORDER
PRE ORDER only. Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on feed consisting of 35% re...
PRE ORDER: Fuet - 16 oz
PRE ORDER only. Picture will be updated!Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on f...
PRE ORDER: Chorizo - 16 oz
PRE ORDER only. Picture will be updated!Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on f...
PRE ORDER: Sudjuk - 16 oz
PRE ORDER only. Picture will be updated!Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on f...
PRE ORDER only. Picture will be updated!Made from well treated, non GMO pigs that are raised on f...